Registrar & Share Transfer Agent

Contact details of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent:

KFin Technologies Limited

(formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited)

Selenium, Tower-B Plot 31 and 32,

Financial District Nanakramguda, Serilingampally

Hyderabad, Rangareddi 500 032 Telangana, India

Telephone: +91 40 6716 2222


Investor grievance e-mail: [email protected]

Information to be provided to RTA, if holding shares in physical form

SEBI has, vide the Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023(Master Circular dated May 17, 2023), mandated the furnishing of PAN, contact details (postal address with pin), mobile number, bank account details, specimen signature and choice of nomination ( either opt in or opt out ) by holders of physical securities. Also, shareholders are requested to register the email ID with the folio, to be able to correspond and receive relevant communication.

Further, shareholders are requested to note that the folio where any of the cited details are not available, they shall not be eligible for any a payment including dividend, interest or redemption in respect of such folio with effect from April 1, 2024 in physical mode.

The above documents/details are to be provided to Company’s RTA i.e. KFin Technologies Limited, Selenium Tower B, Plot No.31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally, Hyderabad 500 032, Telangana, India or email at [email protected] along with Name and folio numbers.

The shareholders can download forms and SEBI Circualrs as given below




Download Form


Form ISR-1

Request for Registering PAN, KYC details OR Changes/updations there of (only for securities held in physical form


Form ISR-2

Confirmation of Signature of securities holder by Banker


Form ISR-3

Declaration for Opting-out of Nomination by holders of physical securities in Listed Companies


Form SH-13

Nomination Form


Form SH-14

Cancellation OR Variation of Nomination

SEBI Circulars

